Getting Involved in Mir

Getting involved

The Mir project website is, the code is hosted on GitHub

For announcements and other discussions on Mir see: Mir on community.ubuntu

For other questions and discussion about the Mir project: the #mir-server IRC channel on Libera.Chat.

Getting Mir source and dependencies

You can get the source with:

git clone
cd mir

You may need to install git for the system you are working on.

You’ll also need a few development tools installed. The exact dependencies and instructions vary across distros.

On Ubuntu

sudo apt-get build-dep ./

On Fedora and Alpine

As we build these distros in Mir’s CI you can copy the instructions from the corresponding files under spread/build.


cmake -S . -Bbuild
cd build
cmake --build .

This creates an example shell (miral-shell) in the bin directory. This can be run directly:


With the default options this runs in a window on X (which is convenient for development).

The miral-shell example is simple, don’t expect to see a sophisticated launcher by default. You can start mir apps from the command-line. For example:

bin/miral-run qterminal

To exit from miral-shell press Ctrl-Alt-BkSp.

You can install the Mir examples, headers and libraries you’ve built with:

sudo cmake --build . --target install

Contributing to Mir

Please file bug reports at:

The Mir Discourse category can be found at:

The Mir coding guidelines are here.

Working on code