Program Listing for File window_manager_tools.h

Return to documentation for file (include/miral/miral/window_manager_tools.h)

 * Copyright © Canonical Ltd.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or 3 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.


#include "miral/application.h"
#include "window_info.h"

#include <mir/geometry/displacement.h>

#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>

namespace mir
namespace scene { class Surface; }

namespace miral
class Window;
struct WindowInfo;
struct ApplicationInfo;
class WindowSpecification;
class Zone;

class Workspace;

class WindowManagerToolsImplementation;

class WindowManagerTools
    explicit WindowManagerTools(WindowManagerToolsImplementation* tools);
    WindowManagerTools(WindowManagerTools const&);
    WindowManagerTools& operator=(WindowManagerTools const&);

    auto count_applications() const -> unsigned int;

    void for_each_application(std::function<void(ApplicationInfo& info)> const& functor);

    auto find_application(std::function<bool(ApplicationInfo const& info)> const& predicate)
    -> Application;

    auto info_for(std::weak_ptr<mir::scene::Session> const& session) const -> ApplicationInfo&;

    auto info_for(std::weak_ptr<mir::scene::Surface> const& surface) const -> WindowInfo&;

    auto info_for(Window const& window) const -> WindowInfo&;

    auto info_for_window_id(std::string const& id) const -> WindowInfo&;

    auto id_for_window(Window const& window) const -> std::string;

    void ask_client_to_close(Window const& window);

    auto active_window() const -> Window;

    auto select_active_window(Window const& hint) -> Window;

    void drag_active_window(mir::geometry::Displacement movement);

    void drag_window(Window const& window, mir::geometry::Displacement movement);

    void focus_next_application();

    void focus_prev_application();

    void focus_next_within_application();

    void focus_prev_within_application();

    auto window_to_select_application(const Application) const -> std::optional<Window>;

    auto can_select_window(Window const&) const -> bool;

    auto window_at(mir::geometry::Point cursor) const -> Window;

    auto active_output() -> mir::geometry::Rectangle const;

    auto active_application_zone() const -> Zone;

    void raise_tree(Window const& root);

    void swap_tree_order(Window const& first, Window const& second);

    void send_tree_to_back(Window const& root);

    void modify_window(WindowInfo& window_info, WindowSpecification const& modifications);

    void modify_window(Window const& window, WindowSpecification const& modifications);

    void place_and_size_for_state(WindowSpecification& modifications, WindowInfo const& window_info) const;

    auto create_workspace() -> std::shared_ptr<Workspace>;

    void add_tree_to_workspace(Window const& window, std::shared_ptr<Workspace> const& workspace);

    void remove_tree_from_workspace(Window const& window, std::shared_ptr<Workspace> const& workspace);

    void move_workspace_content_to_workspace(
        std::shared_ptr<Workspace> const& to_workspace,
        std::shared_ptr<Workspace> const& from_workspace);

    void for_each_workspace_containing(
        Window const& window,
        std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<Workspace> const& workspace)> const& callback);

    void for_each_window_in_workspace(
        std::shared_ptr<Workspace> const& workspace,
        std::function<void(Window const& window)> const& callback);

    void invoke_under_lock(std::function<void()> const& callback);

    void move_cursor_to(mir::geometry::PointF point);

    WindowManagerToolsImplementation* tools;