Class Decorations

Class Documentation

class Decorations

Configures the window decoration strategy.


Since MirAL 5.1


The strategy can only be applied to clients that are able to negotiate the decoration style with the server.

Public Functions

Decorations() = delete
Decorations(Decorations const&) = default
auto operator=(Decorations const&) -> Decorations& = default
void operator()(mir::Server&) const

Public Static Functions

static auto always_ssd() -> Decorations

Always use server side decorations regardless of the client’s choice.

static auto always_csd() -> Decorations

Always use client side decorations regardless of the client’s choice.

static auto prefer_ssd() -> Decorations

Prefer server side decorations if the client does not set a specific mode. Otherwise use the mode specified by the client.

static auto prefer_csd() -> Decorations

Prefer client side decorations if the client does not set a specific mode. Otherwise use the mode specified by the client.